Bone Broth Soup - the cure-all remedy
Bone broth is inherently calming, soothing, and restorative. It has been used for centuries as a healing food both for comfort and to treat various health concerns.
Bone broth is rich in vital nutrients. When the bones and cartilage simmer for long periods of time, these tissues release healing compounds such as proline, collagen, glycine and glutamine which have amazing healing effects on our digestive tract, skin and joints. It is also rich in essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulphur which strengthen our bones and immune function. These nutrients make bone broth an ideal treatment for:
- Arthritis
- Food intolerances and allergies
- Leaky gut
- Cellulite
- Mood imbalance
- Immune dysfunction
What you Need:
- Bones: poultry, fish, beef or lamb. You can used cooked bones from your previous meal (I like to roast a chicken and eat the meat for dinner then make broth out of the remaining parts) or raw bones from your local butcher. It is also nice to include the cartilage, like the joint capsules, and ligaments to get even more nutrients.
- Water: cold & filtered. You need 2 cups water per 1 lb bones or just enough to cover the bones.
- Apple Cider Vinegar. You need 1-2 tablespoons to help leach the nutrients out of the bones.
- Vegetables & Herbs (optional). Sometimes adding some herbs or vegetables can make your bone broth even more tasty and nutritious. Try adding a handful of garlic, onion, celery, rosemary, cilantro, thyme or parsley for the last 30-60mins of cooking.
Cooking Directions:
- Combine bones, water and apple cider vinegar in a crockpot or slow-cooker on low temperature. Remember to add enough water to fully submerge the bones.
- Simmer on low heat for 6-48 hrs for chicken or fish and 12 –72 hrs for beef or lamb. The longer you simmer the better, but you can reduce cooking time by smashing or cutting the bones into small pieces first. You can also use a pot on the stove, by bringing the water with bones inside to a boil and reduce heat to simmer for 24-48 hours. You can also remove any scum that may come to the surface of the water while cooking.
- If desired, add herbs or vegetables in last 30-60 minutes of cooking.
- Strain and discard the solid matter (bones, meat, skin, cartilage, etc). If uncooked meat was used to start with, you may reserve the meat for soup or salads. If you wish to remove the fat for use in gravy, use a gravy separator while the broth is warm, or skim the fat off the top once refrigerated.
- Broth can be kept in the refrigerator for about 5 days or stored in the freezer for months.
Medicinal Use:
- Tea - sipping broth like tea has the best health benefits. This is especially nice in the winter months or if you’re feeling sick. Since broth is simultaneously energizing and calming, it can take the place of morning coffee, afternoon tea, or evening nightcap. Take 1 cup broth daily for best healing effects!
- Ice cubes – after making your broth, fill a few ice-cube trays with the broth and place them in the freezer. Every morning you can pop 2 broth ice cubes into a cup, add 1-2 tbsp of hot water and drink the solution once it liquefies.
Culinary Use:
- Soup - Make soup by adding your favourite vegetables, grains, beans or meat to broth. Add your vegetables, grains and meat to a pan and fry with oil for about 5-10 minutes or until the food browns and softens. Add broth (and previously soaked beans if desired) and simmer until all food is cooked and ready to be enjoyed (approximately 20 minutes). Season with your choice of salt, pepper or other spices.
- Cooking Liquid - Replace water with broth to steam veggies or cook rice, beans or other grains. Place steamer basket of veggies over broth or add grains or beans directly to it in proper ratio and let simmer for the instructed time. You may thicken veggie steaming-broth, as below, to use as gravy.
- Gravy - Make gravy to put on vegetables, meat or biscuits. Put fat (removed from the broth, or use butter) in a skillet. Add any type of flour, one tablespoon at a time and stir constantly till browned. Whisk in broth and cook till thickened. Add salt and pepper to taste.
I hope you enjoy your delicious and nutrition Bone Broth soup! Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of this healing food.